Thursday, November 20, 2008

parish Groundbreaking!

Nothing speaks more strongly about the community here at St. Albert the Great Parish than to the tremendous support on Saturday November 15th for the groundbreaking of our Parish Center. We estimate that over 300 people joined us on a cold, rainy, windy Saturday to break bread (or Ribs) then Break ground. It was truly blessing to be part of such a wonderful day!

Check out the Youtube slideshow (thanks to our very own Deacon Patrick Murphy-Racey)

Check out the news sentinal article at:

Below is the picture featured in the News Sentinel Article

The pavillion under construction!

Pavillion is done!

there is so much to report in the building process at St. Albert the Great! Thanks to everyone who put sweat equity into the picnic pavillion! See below for more pictures!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Mark your Calendar!!
The Parish Ground breaking will be held on November 15 time TBA
We invite everyone (children too) to bring a shovel or a spoon or other tool to help break ground.
We will begin the festivities with a nice meal, followed by the ground breaking ceremony.
check back for more information.

September 2008

as we progress quickly with the building of the Parish Center, it is easy to see that a lot is happening. The ground has been leveled and is awaiting patiently the ground breaking on November 15. There are trucks on Brickey Lane almost daily digging footers for the new picnic pavillion, laying ground for a parking lot expansion, and putting in a new sewer line.

The Diocese has approved out proposal! Evans Construction will begin the bidding process next week. We will review the bids and make a final recommendation to Parish Council at their November meeting.

In addition the stained glass window designer (Bill May) and baptismal font designer (Scott DeWard) have presented samples for review. Check back soon for pictures!

Thank you to the interiors Committee as well as the plans review committee. their hard work and dedication will both expediate and simplify the building process.

Check back frequently as the building starts to come out the ground...
We will post pictures and updates weekly as we walk through the property!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Meeting August 18

Opening Prayer: John Kerwin

Architect Presentation: A few minor changes were made to the floor plan, including door placement in classrooms, doors into sanctuary, and organization of storage area behind the altar.

Entrance Sign: An initial design was presented. Thoughts are to have 2 signs. 1 close to Brickey Lane with the name of the parish and one down the driveway with coming events, Mass times, and other information.

Covered Walkway: A brief discussion was held concerning a covered walkway. Discussion centered on the need for the walkwayto be built on the back of the building and to connect to the handicapped parking.

Classroom space: Discussion revolved around the need to consider future use of the parish hall and ease of wall removal to provide more space. No decision was made concerning the classrooms in the back of the parish hall.

Site Work Update:
Progress Report: Stripping of the top soil almost complete; major cut and fill operations to begin shortly.
Decision was made to fast track the design of Phase II grading (parking, retention and driveway widening)

Contractor Update:
Evans will continue to modify cost estimates as more information is gathered about building materials and finishes
Steve will give Fr. Chris an updated cost estimate for the diocesan proposal and have an official proposal complete for the next meeting

Pavilion Update:
Drawings were presented and approved. Architect and engineer will continue to tighten up the design and send them to the county for initial review.
Committee decided to not push the pavilion toward completion for the picnic but to build it as it makes sense.

Construction Plans Committee:
Will most likely review plans in small groups over the next week.
"Green" items to continue to discuss:
Rain water retention
Energy Efficient lighting
Solar Hot Water for Bathrooms and sacristy

Interior Finishes committee
Baptismal font
Stained glass
Dedication plaque

Next meeting date: Monday September 15 6:30pm

Closing Prayer: Dan Alexander

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Meeting July 21

St. Albert the Great ParishBuilding CommitteeMonday, July 21, 20086:30 pm

Meeting was held by candlelight thanks to the storm.
1) Opening Prayer: Deacon Mike
2) Introduction of Evans Construction as our Design/Build Contractors. They shared with the committee about their experience and dedication to this project.
3) Issues from last meeting
a. Site work on Fast Track – it was decided to do the site work in 2 phasesb. Phase 1: Grading for Parish Center Building Site & Picnic Pavilion – All appropriate permits have been applied for; we hope to be “moving ground” by August 1.c. Phase 2: Grading for parking lot & water retention basin soon thereafter4) The committee reviewed the latest drawings of the building interior and exterior.Johnson Architecture presented a new conceptual drawing for the parish center.
They tamed the lines of the exterior of the space, and opened up the interior ceiling.
The committee engaged in a lengthy discussion of the pros and cons of each as well as exterior materials, brick, vinyl, stucco, stone. No decisions were made.
Architects to continue to explore the 2 designs and use similar color scheme to the existing house. They will have a new presentation at the next meeting.
5) Jim Hinton & Bill Morgan will be working on the pavilion plans
Jim will have plans at next meeting.
It was agreed that the concrete pad and the frame for the building will be set by the grading contractor.
6) The architects are still working on an entrance sign.

7) Evans Construction will present us with preliminary estimated cost for our building designs at the next meeting - this will allow us to determine if we are in the ballpark with the designs currently under consideration.

8) 2 subcommittees are to be formed soon:
a) Textures, colors – interior
b) Plans review (construction documents etc)
9) Next Meeting: August 4th 6:30 pm10) Closing Prayer: Father Chris

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Architect Drawings

Front View

interior view

View from drive

View from Brickey Lane

Interior view

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Building meeting Monday, July 7, 2008

St. Albert the Great Parish
Building Committee
Monday, July 7, 2008
6:30 pm

No MPC review needed
No traffic study needed at this time

1) Opening Prayer: Bill Morgan
2) Issues from last meeting
a. Site work on Fast Track – it was decided to do the site work in 2 phases
b. Phase 1: Grading for Parish Center Building Site & Picnic Pavilion – with all appropriate permits in place, we hope to be “moving ground” by August 1.
c. Phase 2: Grading for parking lot & water retention basin soon thereafter
3) Traditional Design/Bid/Build vs. Design/Build
a. Consensus to go with a design/build approach; this means we will be adding a Contractor to the Design Team ASAP.
b. The sub-committee consisting of Fr. Chris, Deacon Mike, David Nevin & Jim Hinton narrowed the contractor field to 3 names. Evan, Merit & Messer construction. Each of these contractors will be interviewed next week and the results will be presented to the building committee at the next meeting.
4) The committee reviewed the latest drawings of the building interior and exterior.
Many suggestions were made concerning windows, exit doors, window height, choir location etc.
The architects will redesign and present revised drawings at the next meeting. Check back soon for that design.
5) Jim Hinton & Bill Morgan will be working on the pavilion plans
6) The architects have begun work on designing an entrance sign, they will have more detailed information next meeting.
7) Next Meeting: July 21st 6:30 pm
8) Closing Prayer: Kathy Walker

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fr. Chris, Could we have a sacristy that looks like this?

Dear Fr. Chris, I thought while we were in Rome, I could sort of check out some of the building ideas that might be cool for us to consider as we get closer to constructing the parish hall. I really like this adaptation of a sacristy and think it would be a slight improvement over our two closets in the chapel and at St. Mary's. You can post your comments here if you like...
Deacon Patrick ;)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

June 23rd Meeting

Saint Albert the Great Parish
Building Committee
Monday, June 23, 2008

Opening Prayer: Kristen Lehman

Budget & Timeline: See Previous Post

Site Development on “fast track” (July/August) – we will have a rough grading package put together for next meeting, to apply for permit.

Design build/Design Contractor Team – Discussion concerning whether or not to have a contractor with us through the design process or bid out after the design is determined.

The Architects provided detailed brochures from 7 general contracting firms. Deacon Mike will assemble a sub-committee to review and make recommendations at the next meeting.

Environmentally friendly options: Decision to not seek LEED certification, but to continue to think “green” as we move through this process.

Continue to check the back of the bulletin for Campaign updates

Review of Building Plan – Seating capacity 380 with 24” seats.
Updated building plan, watch for updated drawing on the Blog.
Architects will work with a computerized 3D model to test daylight options.
At next meeting will review elevations, window placements stairs/ramps etc.

Please continue to pray for the success of the campaign as we work to bring the building process to completion.

Entrance sign – Interest in making the sign both permanent and have some changeability, will discuss more at next meeting.

Pavilion – will move forward when exterior drawings of building are more concrete.

Next Meeting: July 7, 2008

Closing Prayer: Larry Rossini

Thursday, June 12, 2008

First Meeting with Architects

Building Committee Meeting
St. Albert the Great Parish
June 9, 2008

Opening Prayer: Deacon Mike

Budget – Approved unanimously by Building Committee
$ 1,350,000 Construction
$ 250,000 Site Work/Parking/Utilities
$ 110,000 Architect’s Fee (flat fee)
$ 110,000 Furnishings
$ 180,000 10% contingency
$ 2,000,000

Timeline – Approved unanimously by Building Committee as best case scenario:
June-July Design/Development
Aug-Sept Construction Documents
September 19 Diocesan Finance Council
October Bid/Sign Contract/Obtain Permits
November 15 Ground Breaking (Feast of St. Albert the Great)
July 1, 2009 Completion/Blessing

Timeline for Contractor Contract: Detailed discussion was held to evaluate the pros and cons of hiring a contractor early in the process to assist in the design/development of the Parish Center. Architects will bring information about possible contractors to the next meeting for review.

Site Development: All agreed site development should take place on a “fast track”. We will have a timeline at the next meeting.

Environmental Construction: A brief discussion was held on eco-friendly building options. We will explore various options in the next several weeks, and will seek to exercise principles of good stewardship in all building decisions.

Entrance Sign: Design of the entrance sign will be discussed after a decision is made on the exterior design of the Parish Center.

Pavilion: The Pavilion project is in development. An architect, a structural engineer, and a general contractor, all SATG parishioners, have agreed to donate their time to the project. We will be looking for volunteers to help with the construction. Continue to watch the bulletin as this project unfolds.

Building Campaign Updates: Continue to check the bulletin for the most recent campaign updates.

Next Meeting: June 23 at 6:30 pm
Closing Prayer: Fr. Chris

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Open Houses

Thank you!
To all of you who participated in the Parish Open Houses, we are grateful for your time, energy, dedication, and prayerful support of our building campaign. Please check back often as we post the answers to the many questions posed both on the blog and at each of the Open Houses.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

First Meeting of the Building Committee

The first meeting of the Building Committee
May 15, 2008.
Building Committee Members:
Chair: Deacon Mike Eiffe - Mike has worked as a Civil Engineer in the water resources area with TVA. His love for the church called him to his ordination and his love for ministry calls him to chair this committee.

Dan Alexander - In his working days, Dan worked in purchasing at the University of Tennessee. Now retired, Dan can be found in many aspects of ministry at St. Albert the Great Parish. His love for liturgy brings him to the building committee.

Eva George- Eva will lend her musical expertise and love for the liturgy to the building committee.

Jim Hinton has spent the last 12 years working as an architect and is already giving of his time and experience to help the parish build its first permanent structure, a pavillion.

John Kerwin currently works for a civil engineering firm as a CAD tech. His experience with the industry will be invaluable to the process.

Kristen Lehman as ministries coordinator, Kristen will look at the building and how it will be used by all our parish groups. She is also responsible for updating the blog site and other areas of communication about the building process.

Bill Morgan spent his working career as an engineer and has recently retired from TVA. His experience in church planning and community building will be of great asset to the committee.

David Nevin has served on building committees in two other parishes. He has a great love for the Powell/Halls community and likewise for our parish.

Larry Rossini has spent many years in education, both through Faith Formation as well as working as a Small Business Consultant through Pellisippi State.

Kathy Walker is an expert in art and Environment. Her experience with liturgy and eye for design will be of enormous benefit as we pick colors and textures for our new building.

Chip Widener has worked in Fire Inspection for 31 years. He will be deeply involved in the design and building process.

We thank all of our building committee members for their deep committment to St. Albert the Great. we encourage you seek them out with questions or comments concerning our building process.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Fr. Chris meets at Johnson Architecture with Darryl and Tom 3.7.07

We have a big meeting coming up this Monday, March 10th, 2008. Our Faciities Planning Commitee, Steering Committee, and Fr.
Chris will all meet with Tom from Johnson Architecture about the next phase of the process, which is finalizing a master site plan, and then beginning on setting some short and long-term goals. Up next will be discussion of a Picnic Pavillion as well as a formal entry and sign, possible with a statue of St. Albert the Great.