Opening Prayer: John Kerwin
Architect Presentation: A few minor changes were made to the floor plan, including door placement in classrooms, doors into sanctuary, and organization of storage area behind the altar.
Entrance Sign: An initial design was presented. Thoughts are to have 2 signs. 1 close to Brickey Lane with the name of the parish and one down the driveway with coming events, Mass times, and other information.
Covered Walkway: A brief discussion was held concerning a covered walkway. Discussion centered on the need for the walkwayto be built on the back of the building and to connect to the handicapped parking.
Classroom space: Discussion revolved around the need to consider future use of the parish hall and ease of wall removal to provide more space. No decision was made concerning the classrooms in the back of the parish hall.
Site Work Update:
Progress Report: Stripping of the top soil almost complete; major cut and fill operations to begin shortly.
Decision was made to fast track the design of Phase II grading (parking, retention and driveway widening)
Contractor Update:
Evans will continue to modify cost estimates as more information is gathered about building materials and finishes
Steve will give Fr. Chris an updated cost estimate for the diocesan proposal and have an official proposal complete for the next meeting
Pavilion Update:
Drawings were presented and approved. Architect and engineer will continue to tighten up the design and send them to the county for initial review.
Committee decided to not push the pavilion toward completion for the picnic but to build it as it makes sense.
Construction Plans Committee:
Will most likely review plans in small groups over the next week.
"Green" items to continue to discuss:
Rain water retention
Energy Efficient lighting
Solar Hot Water for Bathrooms and sacristy
Interior Finishes committee
Baptismal font
Stained glass
Dedication plaque
Next meeting date: Monday September 15 6:30pm
Closing Prayer: Dan Alexander