Building Committee Meeting
St. Albert the Great Parish
June 9, 2008
Opening Prayer: Deacon Mike
Budget – Approved unanimously by Building Committee
$ 1,350,000 Construction
$ 250,000 Site Work/Parking/Utilities
$ 110,000 Architect’s Fee (flat fee)
$ 110,000 Furnishings
$ 180,000 10% contingency
$ 2,000,000
Timeline – Approved unanimously by Building Committee as best case scenario:
June-July Design/Development
Aug-Sept Construction Documents
September 19 Diocesan Finance Council
October Bid/Sign Contract/Obtain Permits
November 15 Ground Breaking (Feast of St. Albert the Great)
July 1, 2009 Completion/Blessing
Timeline for Contractor Contract: Detailed discussion was held to evaluate the pros and cons of hiring a contractor early in the process to assist in the design/development of the Parish Center. Architects will bring information about possible contractors to the next meeting for review.
Site Development: All agreed site development should take place on a “fast track”. We will have a timeline at the next meeting.
Environmental Construction: A brief discussion was held on eco-friendly building options. We will explore various options in the next several weeks, and will seek to exercise principles of good stewardship in all building decisions.
Entrance Sign: Design of the entrance sign will be discussed after a decision is made on the exterior design of the Parish Center.
Pavilion: The Pavilion project is in development. An architect, a structural engineer, and a general contractor, all SATG parishioners, have agreed to donate their time to the project. We will be looking for volunteers to help with the construction. Continue to watch the bulletin as this project unfolds.
Building Campaign Updates: Continue to check the bulletin for the most recent campaign updates.
Next Meeting: June 23 at 6:30 pm
Closing Prayer: Fr. Chris