Thursday, July 24, 2008

Meeting July 21

St. Albert the Great ParishBuilding CommitteeMonday, July 21, 20086:30 pm

Meeting was held by candlelight thanks to the storm.
1) Opening Prayer: Deacon Mike
2) Introduction of Evans Construction as our Design/Build Contractors. They shared with the committee about their experience and dedication to this project.
3) Issues from last meeting
a. Site work on Fast Track – it was decided to do the site work in 2 phasesb. Phase 1: Grading for Parish Center Building Site & Picnic Pavilion – All appropriate permits have been applied for; we hope to be “moving ground” by August 1.c. Phase 2: Grading for parking lot & water retention basin soon thereafter4) The committee reviewed the latest drawings of the building interior and exterior.Johnson Architecture presented a new conceptual drawing for the parish center.
They tamed the lines of the exterior of the space, and opened up the interior ceiling.
The committee engaged in a lengthy discussion of the pros and cons of each as well as exterior materials, brick, vinyl, stucco, stone. No decisions were made.
Architects to continue to explore the 2 designs and use similar color scheme to the existing house. They will have a new presentation at the next meeting.
5) Jim Hinton & Bill Morgan will be working on the pavilion plans
Jim will have plans at next meeting.
It was agreed that the concrete pad and the frame for the building will be set by the grading contractor.
6) The architects are still working on an entrance sign.

7) Evans Construction will present us with preliminary estimated cost for our building designs at the next meeting - this will allow us to determine if we are in the ballpark with the designs currently under consideration.

8) 2 subcommittees are to be formed soon:
a) Textures, colors – interior
b) Plans review (construction documents etc)
9) Next Meeting: August 4th 6:30 pm10) Closing Prayer: Father Chris

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Architect Drawings

Front View

interior view

View from drive

View from Brickey Lane

Interior view

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Building meeting Monday, July 7, 2008

St. Albert the Great Parish
Building Committee
Monday, July 7, 2008
6:30 pm

No MPC review needed
No traffic study needed at this time

1) Opening Prayer: Bill Morgan
2) Issues from last meeting
a. Site work on Fast Track – it was decided to do the site work in 2 phases
b. Phase 1: Grading for Parish Center Building Site & Picnic Pavilion – with all appropriate permits in place, we hope to be “moving ground” by August 1.
c. Phase 2: Grading for parking lot & water retention basin soon thereafter
3) Traditional Design/Bid/Build vs. Design/Build
a. Consensus to go with a design/build approach; this means we will be adding a Contractor to the Design Team ASAP.
b. The sub-committee consisting of Fr. Chris, Deacon Mike, David Nevin & Jim Hinton narrowed the contractor field to 3 names. Evan, Merit & Messer construction. Each of these contractors will be interviewed next week and the results will be presented to the building committee at the next meeting.
4) The committee reviewed the latest drawings of the building interior and exterior.
Many suggestions were made concerning windows, exit doors, window height, choir location etc.
The architects will redesign and present revised drawings at the next meeting. Check back soon for that design.
5) Jim Hinton & Bill Morgan will be working on the pavilion plans
6) The architects have begun work on designing an entrance sign, they will have more detailed information next meeting.
7) Next Meeting: July 21st 6:30 pm
8) Closing Prayer: Kathy Walker